How to Confidently Pitch Your Ideas ft. David Beckett


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David Beckett is the creator of Best3Minutes Pitch Methodology, a Pitch Coach, TEDx Speech Coach, Creator of The Pitch Canvas©, the Author of Pitch To Win, and named Freelancer of the Year (in 2019). David conducts pitch workshops for companies and startup accelerators – mainly across Europe and you have coached over 950 Startups to make outstanding pitches and raise over €270 Million investment - and to win over €6 Million in prize money at pitching competitions – that is incredible!!

David has created a business around his lifestyle. He travels the world, works with organizations and their teams to ensure your great ideas have a voice. David is also a Senior Pitch Coach at Startupbootcamp Amsterdam.

Fun fact: I came across David’s in 2019 – specifically after coming across and using the pitch canvas for a competition.

David’s Why

The joy of seeing people being able to pitch. If people can be heard and listened a bit better that’s such gold dust. There are so many people that have such great stuff inside of them, but they just find it difficult to express it.

Connect with David

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Resources & People Mentioned


You Are Not Your Thoughts | Meghan Wills


Financial Empowerment and How to Vote With Your Dollar | Melissa Allen